Results for 'Brian Davies Op'

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    No Title available: Religious Studies.Brian Davies Op - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (1):128-130.
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    Kenny on God.Brian Davies Op - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (219):105-.
    Anthony Kenny concludes The God of the Philosophers by saying that ‘If the argument of the previous chapters has been correct then there is no such being as the God of traditional natural theology … There cannot, if our argument has been sound, be a timeless, immutable, omniscient, omnipotent all-good being’ . According to Kenny.
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    Rational Theology and the Creativity of God By Keith Ward Oxford:Basil Blackwell, 1982, 240 pp., £14.00. [REVIEW]Brian Davies Op - 1983 - Philosophy 58 (224):272-.
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    Brian Davies OP (ed.) Philosophy of religion: A guide and anthology. (Oxford: Oxford university press, 2000). Pp. XV+754. £17.99 (pbk). ISBN 0 19 875194 X. [REVIEW][M. W. F. S.] - 2001 - Religious Studies 37 (2):247-248.
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  5. Denis Minns, OP, Irenaeus. Foreword by Brian Davies, OP (Outstanding Christian Thinkers.) Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1994. Pp. xvi, 143. $35. Mary T. Clark, RSCJ, Augustine.(Outstanding Christian Thinkers.) Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1994. Pp. xxiv, 136; table. $35. [REVIEW]Henry Chadwick - 1996 - Speculum 71 (4):984-984.
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  6. God Still Matters.Herbert Mccabe & Brian Davies - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (3):569-592.
    Herbert McCabe, OP , was a significant theological figure in England in the last century. A scholar of Aquinas, he was also influenced by Wittgenstein and Marx, his reading of whom helped him articulate a distinctive Thomistic account of human embodiment that serves as a critique of other dominant approaches in ethics. This article shows McCabe's contribution to moral theology by placing his work in conversation with other important approaches, namely, situation ethics, proportionalism, and the New Natural Law Theory.
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  7. Aquinas: Summa Theologiae, Questions on God.Brian Leftow & Brian Davies (eds.) - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Aquinas was one of the greatest of the medieval philosophers. His Summa Theologiae is his most important contribution to Christian theology, and one of the main sources for his philosophy. This volume offers most of the Summa's first 26 questions, including all of those on the existence and nature of God. Based on the 1960 Blackfriars translation, this version has been extensively revised by Brian Davies and also includes an introduction by Brian Leftow which places the (...)
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  8. Aquinas, God, and being.O. P. Brian Davies - 1997 - The Monist 80 (4):500-520.
    At the beginning of Sein und Zeit, Martin Heidegger raises the question “What is the meaning of Being?”. In a celebrated review of Heidegger, Gilbert Ryle observes that, though some would quarrel with the assumption “that there is a problem about the Meaning of Being,” he, for the moment, will not. Why not? Because, says Ryle, the “question of the relation between Being qua timeless ‘substance’ and existing qua existing in the world of time and space seems to me a (...)
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  9. The Politics of Antipolitics: The Military in Latin America.Brian Loveman & Thomas M. Davies - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (3):387-389.
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    Equal Opportunities in the New EraSomething Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Schooling, Teacher Education and the Radical Right in Britain and the USATraining Turns to Enterprise: Vocational Education in the Market Place.Brian Simon, Ann Marie Davies, Janet Holland, Rehana Minhas, Dave Hill & Pat Ainley - 1991 - British Journal of Educational Studies 39 (2):225.
  11.  26
    Comment: The hiddenness of God.O. P. Brian Davies - 2021 - New Blackfriars 102 (1102):853-856.
    New Blackfriars, Volume 103, Issue 1106, Page 433-435, July 2022.
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    Introduction.O. P. Brian Davies - 2022 - New Blackfriars 103 (1104):165-169.
    New Blackfriars, Volume 103, Issue 1104, Page 165-169, March 2022.
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    Science in the Looking Glass: What Do Scientists Really Know?E. Brian Davies - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    How do scientific conjectures become laws? Why does proof mean different things in different sciences? Do numbers exist, or were they invented? Why do some laws turn out to be wrong? In this wide-ranging book, Brian Davies discusses the basis for scientists' claims to knowledge about the world. He looks at science historically, emphasizing not only the achievements of scientists from Galileo onwards, but also their mistakes. He rejects the claim that all scientific knowledge is provisional, by citing (...)
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    Engaging Dōgen's Zen: the philosophy of practice as awakening.Jason M. Wirth, Brian Schroeder & Bret W. Davis (eds.) - 2016 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
    How are the teachings of a thirteenth-century master relevant today? Twenty contemporary writers unpack Dogen's words and show how we can still find meaning in his teachings. Engaging Dogen's Zen is a practice oriented study of Shushogi (a canonical distillation of Dogen's thought used as a primer in the Soto School of Zen) and Fukanzazengi (Dogen's essential text on the practice of "just sitting," a text recited daily in the Soto School of Zen). It is also a study of the (...)
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    God and freedom: Reply to Jordan. [REVIEW]Davies O. P. Brian - 1992 - Sophia 31 (3):124-125.
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    Report on the 17th European Drosophila research conference.Mary Bownes, Brian Charlesworth, Iian Davis, David Finnegan, Margarete Heck, Andrew Jarman, Liam Keegan, Hiro Ohkura & Catherine Rabouille - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (1):99-101.
  17.  31
    Some effects of methylphenidate on self-punitive running in rats.Brian M. Kruger, Paul M. Lavin, Patrick E. Campbell & Harry N. Davis - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (3):171-174.
  18.  68
    (1 other version)An introduction to the philosophy of religion.Brian Davies - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A deep and precise introduction to the philosophy of religion that is also remarkably clear and insightful. The author has a conversation with the student and uses concrete examples to explain often abstract concepts and issues.
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    Brian Davies, The Thought of Thomas Aquinas. First paperback ed. New York and Oxford: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1993. Paper. Pp. xvi, 391. $19.95. First published in 1992. [REVIEW]Brian J. Shanley - 1995 - Speculum 70 (4):895-897.
  20.  35
    A Note on the Baths in Confessions IX,xii,32.Brian S. Hook & Duane H. Davis - 2011 - Augustinian Studies 42 (1):49-56.
  21.  40
    Thomas Aquinas's Summa Contra Gentiles: A Guide and Commentary.Brian Davies - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Summa Contra Gentiles, one of Aquinas's best known works after the Summa Theologiae, is a philosophical and theological synthesis that examines what can be known of God both by reason and by divine revelation. A detailed expository account of and commentary on this famous work, Davies's book aims to help readers think about the value of the Summa Contra Gentiles for themselves, relating the contents and teachings found in the SCG to those of other works and other thinkers (...)
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  22.  63
    The De malo of Thomas Aquinas: with facing-page translation by Richard Regan.Brian Davies & Richard J. Regan - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Richard J. Regan & Brian Davies.
    The De Malo represents some of St. Thomas Aquinas' most mature thinking on goodness, badness, and human agency. Together with the second part of the Summa Theologiae, it is one of his most sustained contributions to moral philosophy and theology. Aquinas examines the full range of questions associated with evil: its origin, its nature, its variety, its relation to good, and its compatibility with the existence of an omnipotent, benevolent God. This edition offers the Leonine Commission's authoritative edition of the (...)
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    Taking God Seriously: Two Different Voices.Brian Davies & Michael Ruse - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Michael Ruse.
    Is debate on issues related to faith and reason still possible when dialogue between believers and non-believers has collapsed? Taking God Seriously not only proves that it is possible, but also demonstrates that such dialogue produces fruitful results. Here, Brian Davies, a Dominican priest and leading scholar of Thomas Aquinas, and Michael Ruse, a philosopher of science and well-known non-believer, offer an extended discussion on the nature and plausibility of belief in God and Christianity. They explore key topics (...)
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  24. The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and the Participation of Women in the Catholic Church - Ten Years On.Kimberly Davis & Brian Lucas - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (2):145.
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    Thomas Aquinas’s Summa theologiae : A Guide and Commentary.Brian Davies - 2014 - London, England: Oxford University Press.
    Following a scholarly account of Thomas Aquinas's life, Davies explores his purposes in writing the Summa Theologiae and works systematically through each of its three Parts. He also relates their contents and Aquinas's teachings to those of other works and other thinkers both theological and philosophical. The concluding chapter considers the impact Aquinas's best-known work has exerted since its first appearance, and why it is still studied today. Intended for students and general readers interested in medieval philosophy and theology, (...)
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    Wittgenstein on God.Brian Davies - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (211):105 - 108.
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  27. Anselm and the ontological argument.Brian Davies - 2004 - In Brian Leftow, The Cambridge Companion to Anselm. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 157--178.
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    On Evil.Richard Regan & Brian Davies (eds.) - 2003 - Oup Usa.
    The De Malo represents some of Aquinas' most mature thinking on goodness, badness, and human agency. In it he examines the full range of questions associated with evil: its origin, its nature, its relation to good, and its compatability with the existence of an omnipotent, benevolent God. This edition offers Richard Regan's new, clear readable English translation, based on the Leonine Commission's authoritative edition of the Latin text. Brian Davies has provided an extensive introduction and notes..
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    Proving God’s Existence II.Brian Davies - 1987 - Cogito 1 (2):5-7.
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    Augustine at the Baths: A Dialectic of Love and Death in Augustine's Confessions Book IX.Duane H. Davis & Brian S. Hook - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (4):633-651.
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    Kathleen Jones, editor: "Living the Faith: A Call to the Church".Brian Davies - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (3):410-411.
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    What God Is not.Brian Davies - 1992 - In The Thought of Thomas Aquinas. New York: Clarendon Press.
    The view of Thomas Aquinas that we can only know what God is not, rather than what he is, is discussed. The first part of the chapter outlines Aquinas’ basic position on this matter in relation to his theological background and the range of human knowledge. It then goes on to discuss the doctrine of divine simplicity, first giving the reasoning behind this, and then giving the details of Aquinas’ view on the matter. This is that God is pure form (...)
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    Aquinas and atheism.Brian Davies - 2013 - In Stephen Bullivant & Michael Ruse, The Oxford Handbook of Atheism. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 119.
    This essay aims to explain what Aquinas does and does not mean when using the word ‘God’. It also tries to explain why Aquinas thinks it reasonable to conclude that God exists and how Aquinas can be compared and contrasted with certain thinkers both agreeing and disagreeing with this conclusion. The essay places emphasis on Aquinas’s notion of esse and on the fact that he consistently asserts that we do not know what God is.
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    Aquinas's Summa Theologiae: Critical Essays.Brian Davies (ed.) - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Thomas Aquinas was first and foremost a Christian theologian. Yet he was also one of the greatest philosophers of the Middle Ages. Drawing on classical authors, and incorporating ideas from Jewish and Arab sources, he came to offer a rounded and lasting account of the origin of the universe and of the things to be found within it, especially human beings.
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    The Metaphysics of Theism and Modality.Richard Brian Davis - 2001 - New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang.
    In this book, Richard Brian Davis explores various attempts to solve the Dependence Problem – the problem posed by the following question: How can necessary truths stand to God in a one-way relation of dependence when neither they nor God could have failed to exist? Critics charge that this problem is insoluble. Davis argues at length that the most powerful and promising contemporary solutions to this problem – those offered by Linda Zagzebski, Brian Leftow, Thomas V. Morris, and (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas's Quodlibetal Questions.Turner C. Nevitt & Brian Davies - 2019 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Thomas Aquinas was one of the most significant Christian thinkers of the middle ages and ranks among the greatest philosophers and theologians of all time. In the mid-thirteenth century, as a teacher at the University of Paris, Aquinas presided over public university-wide debates on questions that could be put forward by anyone about anything. The Quodlibetal Questions are Aquinas's edited records of these debates. Unlike his other disputed questions, which are limited to a few specific topics such as evil or (...)
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  37. A Modern Defence of Divine Simplicity.Brian Davies - 2000 - In Philosophy of religion: a guide and anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  38. Against a Postmodern Pentecostal Epistemology.Richard Brian Davis & W. Paul Franks - 2013 - Philosophia Christi 15 (2):383-399.
    In this paper we explore the idea that Pentecostalism is best supported by conjoining it to a postmodern, narrative epistemology in which everything is a text requiring interpretation. On this view, truth doesn’t consist in a set of uninterpreted facts that make the claims of Christianity true; rather, as James K. A. Smith says, truth emerges when there is a “fit” or proportionality between the Christian story and one’s affective and emotional life. We argue that Pentecostals should reject this account (...)
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  39. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.Brian Davies - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (1):103-104.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Brian Davies - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1114):611-612.
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    Anselm of Canterbury: The Major Works.Brian Davies & G. R. Evans (eds.) - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    `For I do not seek to understand so that I may believe; but I believe so that I may understand. For I believe this also, that unless I believe, I shall not understand.' Does God exist? Can we know anything about God's nature? Have we any reason to think that the Christian religion is true? What is truth, anyway? Do human beings have freedom of choice? Can they have such freedom in a world created by God? These questions, and others, (...)
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  42.  29
    The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas.Brian Davies - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (2):270.
  43.  67
    Comment: Is God a Person?Brian Davies - 2022 - New Blackfriars 103 (1106):433-435.
    New Blackfriars, Volume 103, Issue 1106, Page 433-435, July 2022.
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  44. The Action of God.Brian Davies - 2010 - In John Cottingham & Peter Hacker, Mind, Method, and Morality: Essays in Honour of Anthony Kenny. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
  45.  30
    Asp‐tRNAAsn: to be or not to be?Brian K. Davis - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (12):1310-1310.
  46.  16
    God Incarnate.Brian Davies - 1992 - In The Thought of Thomas Aquinas. New York: Clarendon Press.
    Christology can be defined as the study of the person of Christ and, in particular, of the union in him of divine and human natures’. Not everyone would agree with this definition, and it cannot be said whether or not Thomas Aquinas would have agreed with it, although it might well be surmised that he would at least sympathize with it, because Christology is his chief concern when he talks about Christ directly; it is also an area of inquiry in (...)
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    How to Be Holy.Brian Davies - 1992 - In The Thought of Thomas Aquinas. New York: Clarendon Press.
    This chapter begins to connect what Thomas Aquinas says about people in general with his teaching on the Trinity – his position being that the Trinity makes us divine since God, who is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, brings us to the final or ultimate good or end of rational creatures, which is nothing less than God himself. It starts by considering Aquinas’ claim that God is the means by which we can be better than we are when considered (...)
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  48. Prayer.Brian Davies - 2011 - In Brian Davies & Eleonore Stump, The Oxford handbook of Aquinas. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Perfection and Goodness.Brian Davies - 1992 - In The Thought of Thomas Aquinas. New York: Clarendon Press.
    Thomas Aquinas thinks that God defies our comprehension, but, as has been discussed earlier in the book, he also holds that we are still able to make true statements about him. So far, the book has only looked at how Aquinas defends this thesis in general terms, but here some particulars are addressed. What Aquinas thinks that we can say of God deal with assertions of two types: those that can be made and defended on rational grounds without recourse to (...)
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    Social Control and Education.Brian Davies - 1976 - Routledge Kegan & Paul.
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